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ah [ɑ:] скор.
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 Англійський тезаурус
ah [ɑ:] скор.
абрев., Макаров a!; ax!
абрев., мед. hypermetropic astigmatism
розм. abu Dhabi (Абу-Даби, столица Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов)
AH [ɑ:] скор.
абрев. IP Authentication Header (IPSEC, IPV6, RFC 1826, VPN); Address Handling; After Hijrah; After Hours; air over hydraulic; Alpha Industries; American History; Americana House; Amp Hours; Angry Hump; Anno Hegirae; anno Hegirae, in the year of the Hegira (Vosoni); antihunt; Application Header; Armor Holdings, Inc.; Army Helicopter; Arterial Hypertension; Aryl Hydrocarbon; Ass Hole; Attach Helicopter; Attribute Hidden; Auburn Hills; Hospital Ship; ancient history (Dalilah); aromatic hydrocarbons
абрев., IT authentication header
абрев., авто. active hood
абрев., авіац. altitude hold (ALT hold); ampere/hour; auxiliary hole; Air Algerie
абрев., бізн. Arabian heavy crude oil
абрев., військ. Automated Howitzer
абрев., ел. alkali halide; antenna highness; application heap
абрев., землезн. absolute humidity; alternate hydrocarbons
абрев., зуб.імп. abutment height (MichaelBurov)
абрев., косм. aerodynamic heating; attitude hold
абрев., мед. Abdominal Hysterectomy; Absorptive Hypercalciuria; Accidental Hypothermia; Acetohexamide; Acid Hydrolysis; Acute Hepatitis; Adrenal Hypoplasia; Affected Hemisphere; After-hyperpolarization; Agnathia-holoprosencephaly; Alcoholic Hepatitis; Amenorrhea And Hirsutism; Aminohippurate; American Health (periodical); Artificial Heart; Autoimmune Hepatitis; apical hypertrophy (гипертрофия верхушки сердца Dimpassy); acetic acid hapten; adult home; antihyaluronidase; atrium-His; atrionodal-bundle interval
абрев., муз. artificial harmonic
абрев., нафт. absolute height; access hole; after hatch; air hardened; airfield, heliport; alloy hole; alter heading; anchor handling boat; Arab heavy oil; aromatic hydrocarbon; atmospheric heater; hole azimuth
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. analyzer house
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.а. analyser house
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.ю. hydrochloric acid
абрев., опт. antihalation
абрев., офт. aqueous humor (водянистая влага doc090)
абрев., полім. air-hardened; anhydrous hydrazine
абрев., розшир.ф. Analog Hybrid
абрев., сил.ел. air preheater
абрев., текстиль. arm hole; armhole
абрев., хім. aconitate hydratase
абрев., шотл.вир. Artificial Horizon; Hospital ship (USA)
військ. air headquarters; airfield heliport; alert height; alternate headquarters; antihelicopter; antisubmarine helicopter; armed helicopter; Army hospital; assault helicopter; attack helicopter
енерг. air heater
тех. abhenry; acoustic hologram; active homing; alternant hydrocarbon; available hours
фізіол. Abdominal hysterectomy
Ah [ɑ:] скор.
абрев. ampere hour (electric current); anhydrite; ampere-hour
Ah. скор.
абрев., суднобуд. ampere-hour
AHC [ɑ:] скор.
абрев. American Helicopter Co.